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发布日期:2024-01-30     点击量:


性 别:男



联系方式:13247539302 (WeChat)


Courses taught

1. Preparation technology of high-performance rare earth permanent magnet materials (高性能稀土永磁材料制备技术)

2. Rare earth materials science (稀土材料学)

Sajjad Ur Rehman 是研究生导师,目前是江西理工大学和稀土学院的杰出副教授。他在江西理工大学获得博士学位,在电子科技大学获得博士后。主要研究领域包括永磁材料、纳米复合磁性材料、软磁微波吸收材料等。2022 年国家自然科学基金国际青年科学家奖获得者,2023 年中国科学技术部外国专家基金,2024 年江西省教育部高层次海外人才项目。他在各种国际同行评审期刊上撰写/合著了 130 多篇 SCI 论文,目前的 i10 指数超过 60。参与福建、浙江、四川等国家级企业开展磁性和电子器件开发研究合作活动。在加入江西理工大学之前,他曾在巴基斯坦伊斯兰堡的 Ibn Sina 理工学院担任副研究员。


1. Sajjad Ur Rehman*,  Haihua Liu, Yongqiang Deng, Zhihao Liu, Abdul Jabbar Khan, Jiajie Li, Xiaoqiang Yu, Munan Yang, Optimization of an isotropic Alnico 8 alloy, Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2025. 178142.

2. Yongqiang Deng, Sajjad Ur Rehman*, Liu Zhihao, Liu Haihua, Zhong Shuwei, Yu Xiaoqiang, Li Jiajie, Yang Munan, Tailoring the magnetic properties of Ce-Fe-B alloys by controlling the CeFe2 paramagnetic phase, Intermetallics. 2025. 176. 108571.

3. Liang Hui. Sajjad Ur Rehman*, Ruibiao Zhang, Yongqiang Deng, Haihua Liu, Munan Yang, Fabrication and application prospects of Pr–Fe–B/Alnico nanocomposite alloys. Journal of Rare Earths. 2024. 42. 1717-1723.

4. Zhihao Liu, Yongqiang Deng, Sajjad Ur Rehman*, Haihua Liu, Abdul Jabbar Khan, Shuwei Zhong, Xiaoqiang Yu, Munan Yang, Refining Alnico 8 magnets with composition optimization of matrix phase, directional solidification and magnetic field annealing, Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2024. 1006. 176329.

5. Lili Zhang. Wenmiao Zhang. Sajjad Ur Rehman*, Shuqi Shen, Yongxian Liu , Fenglan long, Hongzhang Du, Weiwei Dong, Yifeng Hu, Haiping Zou. Tongxiang Liang. Optimization of microwave absorption properties of flaky FeSiAl magnetic alloy by surface modification. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 2023. 949. 169756.

6. Sajjad Ur Rehman, Liang Qiao, Ruibiao Zhang, Nanocomposite Didymium-Fe-B/Alnico magnetic alloys with core shell structure and improved magnetic properties, Journal

of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. 2023. 585. 171129

7. Weiwei Dong, Shuqi Shen, …, Sajjad Ur Rehman*, Enhancement of microwave absorption performance of FeSiCr magnetic powder by dielectric polarization modulation. Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids. 2024. 185. 111734.

8. Sajjad Ur Rehman, Xiang Li, Qingfang Huang, Qingzheng Jiang, Jie Song, Rizwan Ur Rehman Sagar, Renhui Liu, Munan Yang, Shengcan Ma, Zhenchen Zhong, An exploration of nanocomposite Nd-Fe-B/Alnico alloys with enhanced intergrain interactions and improved magnetic properties, Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2021. 858. 158238.

9. Xiangyun Huang, Sajjad Ur Rehman , Xiaoyun Shang , Guoguo Tan, Yu Lei , Xuan Wang, Wenfeng Wang, Xiaodong Lv, Qikui Man. SiO2-modified Y2Co8Fe9 multifunctional alloys with efficient microwave absorption, oxidation resistance and corrosion resistance. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2023. 932. 167598.

10. Sajjad Ur Rehman, Chen Wei, Qingfang Huang, Qingzheng Jiang, Anwar ul Haq, Jun Wang, Zhenchen Zhong, Tailoring the microstructure, magnetic properties, and interaction mechanisms of Alnico-Ta alloys by magnetic field treatment, Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2021. 857. 157586.

11. Sajjad Ur Rehman*, Haihua Liu, Shuwei Zhong, Hui Liang, Renhui Liu, Qingzheng Jiang, Munan Yang, Zhenchen Zhong, Retaining the Curie temperature of Ce substituted Nd-Fe-B nano-ribbons by Alnico elements substitution, Intermetallics. 2022. 141. 107428.

12. Sajjad Ur Rehman, Chen Wei, Ruibiao Zhang, Haihua Liu, Shaoxiong Li, Zhong Minglong, Munan Yang, Qingzheng Jiang, Jun Wang, Zhenchen Zhong, Tailoring the magnetic properties and microstructure of Alnico 8 magnets by various Ti contents and processing conditions, Intermetallics. 2022. 143. 10748.

13. Munan Yang, Sangen Luo, Sajjad Ur Rehman*, Chao Liu, Jiajie Li, Xiaoqiang Yu, Longgui Li,  Effect of lattice distortion induced by Ce chemical valence on coercivity of Nd-Ce-Fe-B alloy, Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2021. 894. 162486.

14. Sajjad Ur Rehman*, Qingfang Huang, R

izwan Ur Rehman Sagar, Qingzheng Jiang, Munan Yang, Zhenchen Zhong, Interaction mechanism, magnetic properties and microstructure of Ce-Fe-B/ Alnico spark plasma sintered magnets, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. 2021. 537. 168237.

15. Sajjad Ur Rehman, Qingzheng Jiang, Kai Liu, Lunke He, Han Ouyang, Lili Zhang, Lei Wang, Shengcan Ma, Zhenchen Zhong. Phase constituents, magnetic properties, intergranular exchange interactions and transition temperatures of Ge-doped CeFeB alloys. Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids. 2019. 132. 182–186.

16. Sajjad Ur Rehman, Han Ouyang, Qingzheng Jiang, Kai Liu, Lunke He, Jie Song, Lei Wang, Xiaohua Luo, Shengcan Ma, Zhenchen Zhong. Magnetic properties, phase transition temperatures and microstructure of CeFeB-alnico ribbons, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. 2019. 486. 165252.

17. Sajjad Ur Rehman, Qingzheng Jiang, Weikai Lei, Liangliang Zeng, Qiulan Tan, Mahpara Ghazanfar, Saif Ullah Awan, Tahir Ahmad, Minglong Zhong, Zhenchen Zhong. Microstructure, magnetic properties, thermal stabilities and coercivity mechanisms of Ta doped Nd-Fe-B ribbons, Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids. 2019. 124. 261–265.

18. Sajjad Ur Rehman, Qingzheng Jiang, Lunke He, Houdong Xiong, Kai Liu, Lei Wang, Munan Yang, Zhenchen Zhong. Microstructure and magnetic properties of NdFeB alloys by co-doping alnico elements, Physics Letters A. 2019. 383. 125878.

19. Sajjad Ur Rehman, Qingzheng Jiang, Qing Ge, Weikai Lei, Lili Zhang, Qingwen Zeng, Anwar. ul Haq, Renhui Liu, Zhenchen Zhong. Microstructure and magnetic properties of alnico permanent magnetic alloys with Zr-B additives, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. 2018. 451. 243–247.

20. Sajjad Ur Rehman, Qingzheng Jiang, Lunke He, Mahpara Ghazanfar, Weikai Lei, Xianjun Hu, Saif Ullah Awan, Shengcan Ma, Zhenchen Zhong. Synthesis, Microstructures, Magnetic Properties and thermal stabilities of isotropic alnico ribbons, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. 2018. 466. 277–282.

21. Minglong Zhong, Li Tao, Tengfei Wu , Qian Zhang , Renhui Liu , Zhenchen Zhong, Sajjad Ur Rehmana⁎, Tailoring the magnetic properties and microstructure of NdFeB ribbon alloys by Hf addition, Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2021. 876. 160197.

22. Sajjad Ur Rehman, Liang Qiao, Ruibiao Zhang, Nanocomposite Didymium-Fe-B/Alnico magnetic alloys with core shell structure and improved magnetic properties, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. 2023. 585. 171129.

23. Shuqi Shen, Weiwei Dong, Lei Wang , Hongzhang Du, Wenmiao Zhang, Fenglan long, Yifeng Hu, Sajjad Ur Rehman*, Tongxiang Liang. Ni-MOF74 derived nano nickel particle and porous carbon composites with Ni0· 5Zn0· 5Fe2O4 for enhancing microwave absorbing properties. Ceramics International. 2023. 49(22). 36866-36878.

24. Xinyang Hu, Dao Wang, Lei Wang, Huanmao Yao, Gang Fu, Sajjad Ur Rehman*. Optimization of grain boundary by Mo nano-powder to enhance the coercivity of NdFeB magnets. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. 2023. 587. 171353.

25. Kang Zhao, Dao Wang, Lei Wang, Sajjad Ur Rehman*, Spin-reorientation and exchange bias in perovskite YbCr0.5Fe0.5O3. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. 591. 2024. 171767


1.Development of Ce-Fe-B/Alnico nanocomposite magnets as gap magnets, Jiangxi Province Department of Education, 2024.

2.Nanocomposite NdFeB/Alnico magnets for harsh environment applications, Ministry of Science and Technology of China, 2023.

3.Fabrication of anisotropic NdFeB/Alnico nanocomposite alloys with novel core-shell-like structure, National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), 2022.

4.高性能和高稳定性稀土基纳米复合磁体的制备英文题名, Zhejiang TiangTong Electronic Information Co., Ltd., 2022.

5.RE-FE-B/Alnico纳米复合磁性材料研究, Jiangxi University of Science and Technology, 2021

6.Alnico合金中顺磁相的优化研究, JiangXi University of Science and Technology, 2024.

7.Synthesis and characterization of nano crystalline REFeB-alnico permanent magnetic alloys with improved properties, Jiangxi University of Science and Technology, 2019.

